Friday, June 3, 2011


  Today in class we went over our tests on the rise and fall of the Roman empire. Then we watched a short video about the Asian carp from Ohio that jump up to ten feet in the air. Monday will be our last class since we don't have it on Tuesdays. We should be reviewing for our final then which will be on Wednesday on Guns, Germs, and Steel, Papua New Guinea, Greece, and Rome.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


  Today we took our test on the rise and fall of the Roman empire. The class average was around an 83% so we all did pretty well. With the extra credit, I got an A on the test. For the remaining time in class we just watched videos from Monte Python which was really random. There's only 2 more classes left for this year before the final exam so we are going to use that class time to review.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Since our test was postponed we spent today's class reviewing our notes and worksheets. Our test will now be tomorrow, June 2nd on the rise and fall of Rome's empire. Then on Friday and Monday we will just be reviewing for the final, which will be next week.