Friday, April 29, 2011


 Julius Caesar

 Tiber River

 Roman Legion



 Mark Antony




Thursday, April 28, 2011


  The two consuls could veto each other and could serve for one year and then couldn't run again for 10 years. They wanted to make sure one person or group didn't gain too much power. They commanded the army and they were a monarchy.

  The type of people that serve in the Senate were an exclusive group of people. It started out with 100 people; that's how many are in the Senate today. This is an aristocracy.

  The Assembly represented a democracy. They voted and attempt to pass laws. They didn't have equally as much power as the consuls and Senate.

  The office of the dictator was a military person who was in charge. He could immediately raise taxes, discharge the army, etc. This position was not always filled, it was only used for times of crisis. The dictator would stay their for 6 months or until the crisis was over.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Today in class we took a short quiz based on last night's homework and then went over some notes.

  Tarquin the Proud was a tyrant who ceased too much power for himself and the people literally ran him out of town. The people set up their own government called a republic. The United States is a Republic. Patricians were a class of privileged families that had more money and higher social and political class than "ordinary" families. Plebeians were the middle class and included farmers, artisans, merchants, etc. The Patricians and plebeians often fought with each other.

  A legion was made up of about 4,000 to 6,000 men. The two big elements of the legion was calvary and infantry. Calvary was horses and infantry were foot soldiers. There were 80 people in the century.

Our homework was to read and answer another set of questions about ancient Rome.


A.  Consuls- two officials in the place of a king who commanded the army and directed the government.

B.  Veto- to overrule a decision made by others.

C.  Senate- the aristocratic branch of Rome's government made up of 100 patricians.

D.  Assembly- the democratic side of Roman government made up of all citizen-soldiers; they had less power than the Senate.

E.  Dictator- a leader who had absolute power to make laws and command the army.

F.  Mercenary- a soldier who fights in any country's army for pay.


1. (a.) Many plebeians were dissatisfied with Rome's government in the early years of the republic because they didn't have lots of rights.
    (b.) They won reforms by refusing to fight in the Roman army until the patricians agreed to the reforms.
    (c.) The changes they brought in Roman government where that they gained access to many political offices and obtained more favorable laws.

2. Romans considered they had a balanced government because they had created laws (the 12 Tables) that agreed with the plebians and patricians and have a government system.

3. Once Rome had conquered most of Italy, the Roman government won the support of the conquered people by giving them the status of half-citizens; the people enjoyed having the rights of a Roman citizen except the right to vote.

4. (a.) At the start of the Punic Wars, Carthage might have appeared the stronger power because it was 3 times larger in size than Rome, they had a huge navy of 500 ships, were incredibly wealthy, and like Rome they also had the advantage of location near the midpoint of the Mediterranean Sea.

    (b.) Rome was the victor because they could draw on a reserve of more than 500,000 troops, their troops were generally more reliable, and warfare was a Roman specialty. Luck also favored the Romans since a Carthage ship washed up on their shore before battle.

5. The Battle of Zama was a major turning point in history because it made Rome the greatest empire in the world.

6. (a.) The Greeks at first welcomed Roman armies because they freed them from the rule of Philip V of Macedon.

    (b.) The Greek attitude changed because the Romans started interfering with Greek politics, crushing all opposition to rulers favored by Rome; the Roman power became very ruthless.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Today in class Mr. Schick came back to school from being sick....but he was in a pretty depressing mood. So he just assigned us some pages to read and questions about it that we have to answer.


A.  Republic- a political unit that is not ruled by a monarch and in which citizens with the right to vote choose their leaders. 

B.  Gravitas-discipline, strength, and loyalty. 

C.  Pater familias- the eldest man and owner of the household; also called "father of the family".  

D.  Toga- an uncomfortable garment that every Roman wore which required no tailoring. 

E.  Patrician- a class of privileged families.  

F.  Plebeian- the class of common people such as farmers, artisans, and merchants.  

G.  Legion- a massive military unit. 

H. Century- 60 smaller groups that make up the legion.  


A.  Italy- the super-power country consisting of Rome and the Apennines. 

B.  Rome- at the height of it's power, Rome was called the "capital of the world" controlling the entire Mediterranean Sea and extracting taxes from and tribute from people on the three continents of Africa, Asia, and Europe. 

C.  Romulus- he was born the son of a god and while he fought with his twin brother he wound up killing him. 

D.  Palatine Hill-  the center of the city of Rome because Romulus had chosen that hilltop. 

E.  Alps- a mountain range in Southern Europe, extending from France through Switzerland and Italy. 

F.  Tiber River- this river located in Rome was where many key trade routes between Northern and Southern  Italy met. 

G.  Apennines- a lower mountain range that runs down the length of Italy.  

H.  Latins- the first group to settle in Italy wandering across the Alps to into Italy around 1,000 B.C. 

I.  Etruscans-   a third group of settlers that entered Italy between 1,200 and 800 B.C. 

J.  Forum- a valley that became the heart of Roman political life.  


1. Geography helped Rome because it was built on hilltops which made it easier to defend, and the Tiber River provided a means of transportation and fresh water for the people as well as a hot spot for trade. 

2. The Latins, Greeks, and Etruscans were all important to Rome's development. The Latins started Rome as a settlement of shepherds and sheep with hand spun clothing. Then when the Greeks came and brought their prosperous and commercially active civilization with them. Finally, the Etruscans carried over their writing system and architecture to Italy. 

3. The values of early Roman society were mostly strength, honor, and their families. 

4. (a.) The Roman household was organized with the oldest male wearing the pants in the family. He actually owned all family property and could sell a family member into slavery if he wanted to. He could also kill any of his family members without penalty and spoke for his family in political matters. 

    (b.) The freedoms that women had in the family and society were that they were citizens, with the right to own property and testify in court, however at home she had to sit upright in a chair while eating dinner even though her husband could recline on the couch during that time. 

5. The army was linked to Roman society because the army formed a integral part of the lives and hearts of the people bringing them honor and power. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Today in class we took our test on Ancient Greece even though Mr.Schick wasn't there. I thought it was pretty easy. No class until next Tuesday because of Easter break!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Since it's Tuesday I don't have Western Civ. When we come back tomorrow we will take our test on Ancient Greece.

Monday, April 18, 2011


  Today we spent the entire class reviewing for our test on Wednesday since we don't have Western Civ class tomorrow. Our test will consist of 25-30 multiple choice questions and one essay. We reviewed everybody's main ideas of their presentations so we would have good notes to study from.

Friday, April 15, 2011


  Today in class we watched a video about Alexander the Great.

  Alexander the Great was inspired to conquer the world from a young age. His mom told him that he was the son of the god Accelies; he never really got along with his real dad. He received his horse Bucephuleus when he was a young boy. His horse was really wild when he first got him but he knew that he could tame him.

  Alexander became the ruler of Greece at age 25. The first battle he fought against the Persians in India was the worst and bloodiest battle he had ever been in. He never once lost a fight and he died at age 32 after conquering everything in a really short time.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


  Today in class we finally finished watching and taking notes on the Ancient Greece video.

  Socrates didn't care about his appearance, but only in the mind. He was the leader of a revolution in thinking. It had began far to the east of Greece in Babylon, the start of astronomy. Astronomy spread to current day Turkey. In Greece they started to calculate the movement of the moon and stars. Theres started measuring angles and position of the sun and later wrote the first book on how to sail at night using the stars as navigation.

  Socrates was not interested in the stars and moon. He was more interested in studying the minds of people. He came up with reason, logic, and theory. He loved the city; he walked around there all day talking and debating with whoever he could. He thought that everybody should form their own opinions of things and determine right and wrong for themselves. He was very well known for the quote, "The unexamined life is not worth living".

  During this time Sparta invaded Athens and burned all of their crops. The only thing the Athenians did was watch from the city wall with Pericles as their leader. The city state soon received a giant plague, sweeping out 1/3 of the people, including Pericles. He had planned to make Athens a bigger super power, but all he brought them was sickness and death.

  Neither side of Athens or Sparta were able to defeat each other. Sicily asked Greece for protection and help from another city state associated with Sparta. Greece decided to help them and used 10,000 of their soldiers. It was a long time before anybody heard anything back and then nothing came at all. Athens and Sicily badly lost. Two fleets of tryrines were destroyed and 50,000 Athenian and Sicily soldiers were either killed or taken prisoner. With their navy force diminished, enemies of Athens knew it was time to take over.

  The people were starving and so they decided to go to Athena, but she offered no help. In 404 B.C. Athens surrendered to the Spartan leader Lysander. The Athenians navy was pretty much destroyed except for an exception of 12 ships.

  The people thought that Socrates was the reason why Athens had lost so badly. He always questioned the supremency  of Athens's future. Socrates was arrested and was tried by a jury of some of his fellow citizens. Socrates didn't show any fear; he was actually kinda stubborn. He was sentenced to death from a poison called Hemlock.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011


  Today in class we finished up the class presentations with Jordan and Olivia. Both did Power points; Olivia's was on Homer and Jordan's was on Alexander the Great's reign.


T of F Alexander the Great ruled Asia Minor, Persia, Egypt, Greece, and some of India.
Answer: True

T or F He had his men marry Persian women to make the two cultures get along.
Answer: True

T or F There is no suspicion to how Alexander died.
Answer: False



T or F Legend has it that Homer was blind.
Answer: True

Which two stories were Homer most famous for?
Answer: The Iliad and Odyssey

T or F Some Greeks didn't fully believe that Homer was real.
Answer: True


Tuesday, April 12, 2011


My section never has class on Tuesdays, so there's nothing to post about.

Monday, April 11, 2011


Today Brynly, Megan and Vinny presented their projects. Olivia and Jordan are the only people left to go on Wednesday. 


How many tribes were formed by the people of Athens and Attica?
Answer: 10

What were the 3 styles of sculptures?
Answer: Severe, Classical, and Fourth century 

Who was the King of Macedon?
Answer: Alexander the Great 



What was one of the main formation used for battles?
Answer: Phalanx (a strong and effective rectangular mass guarded by shields)

What was another name for a shield?
Answer: Aspis 

What were the two main weapons used in battle?
Answer: Spear and Xiphos 



Which philosopher was on trial for treason?
Answer: Socrates

True or False: Socrates didn't come up with the theory that the world was not at the center of the universe. False 

True or False: Socrates was sentenced to death for blasphemy against the gods. True  


Friday, April 8, 2011


  Today in class Sam, Alana, Brad, and I presented our presentations. Sam did her project on Greek theater with a power point, and Alana did Greek poets with a scrapbook. Brad's project was an essay about Greek architecture, and I created a power point on Pericles and the Golden Age. 


Where were the 2 theaters located?
Answer: Delphi and Dionysus

Who was the son of Zeus and god of fertility and wine?
Answer: Dionysus 

What were the 3 types of drama?
Answer:  Comedy, Tragedy, and Satyr

Which play was considered the "font of all literature"?
Answer: Comedy 



What did people do if they couldn't read or write?
Answer: They memorized poems by word of mouth

T or F Did some poets make up stories and songs on the spot? 
Answer: True

Who was one of the greatest female poets of anicent Greece?
Answer: Zapo

How many volumes of work did Zapo have?
Answer: 9



What was the earliest and plainest Greek architectural style?
Answer: Doric 

What is the most decorative and modern style?
Answer: Corinthian

What kind of architecture had the most influence on Greek architecture?
Answer: Roman 

What is the symbol of ancient Greece?
Answer: The Parthenon


Thursday, April 7, 2011


  Today in class Kevin, Morgan, Haley, and Tasha presented. Kevin did a rap about math and science and Morgan had a Power Point and quiz for her topic on Alexander's youth. Haley explained the Parthenon she built and Tasha presented her Power Point about the great philosophers. 


Who invented geometry?
Answer: Euclid

Who came up with pie and the right triangle theory?
Answer:  Pythagoras

Who was the first person to come up with the concept that the earth was round?
Answer: Eratosthenes



What was the name of Alexander the Great's horse whom he named a city after?
Answer: Bucephalus 

Who was the captain of the Macedonian army at age 16?
Answer: Alexander the Great

Why was Alexander called "The Great"?
Answer: He was able to conquer the world



What kind of construction was the Parthenon?
Answer: Doric style

Where is the Parthenon located?
Answer: On the Acropolis

Who built the Parthenon?
Answer: Pericles  


What were the 5 categories of study?
Answer: Logic, Physical works, Psychological works, Philosophical works, and natural history 

Who were some of the great philosophers?
Answer: Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates

Who was one of the most powerful thinkers in history?
Answer: Socrates

What was the method of question-and-answer called?
Answer: The Socratic Method


Wednesday, April 6, 2011


  Today in class we continued presenting our projects. Julia and Zach presented today. Julia made a power point and Zach wrote an essay. Julia also brought in food for the class. We will continue to have 2 to 3 people present every day until the projects are finished.


What were the 3 main styles of Ancient Greek art?
Answer: Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian

What was the most respected art form in Ancient Greek history?
Answer: Paintings 

What 3 things did Ancient Greek art consist of?
Answer: Paintings, Architecture, and Sculptures

What were the most commonly used colors on pottery? 
Answer: Black, red, white and yellow  



Who was allowed to participate in the Olympic games?

Answer: Free men who lived in the city states

How long was the 1st Olympic games?
Answer: One day which eventually grew to 5 days

How long did the participants have to train for the Olympic games?
Answer: 10 months 


Tuesday, April 5, 2011


  No Western Civ class today. Tomorrow we will continue presenting our Ancient Greece projects.

Monday, April 4, 2011


  Today we started presenting our projects to the class. We spend pretty much the first mod reviewing what we have learned to just refresh our memories after being off for spring break. Then we had the people who made food present first. Caitlin was the only one that got to complete her presentation. We have to come up with 3 questions that would be good to put on a test so the following are for Caitlin's presentation: 

How long did the Peloponnesian War last?
Answer: 27 years

Who fought in the Peloponnesian War?
Answer: Sparta and Athens

Who was the main person responsible for the Peloponnesian War?
Answer: Pericles 

Caitlin did her presentation on the Peloponnesian War and handed out her red and white cupcakes to represent Athens and Sparta. Then Tasha cut the awesome cake she made for us but she didn't have time to present her project. So, Tasha and the rest of us will present on Wednesday.