Thursday, April 7, 2011


  Today in class Kevin, Morgan, Haley, and Tasha presented. Kevin did a rap about math and science and Morgan had a Power Point and quiz for her topic on Alexander's youth. Haley explained the Parthenon she built and Tasha presented her Power Point about the great philosophers. 


Who invented geometry?
Answer: Euclid

Who came up with pie and the right triangle theory?
Answer:  Pythagoras

Who was the first person to come up with the concept that the earth was round?
Answer: Eratosthenes



What was the name of Alexander the Great's horse whom he named a city after?
Answer: Bucephalus 

Who was the captain of the Macedonian army at age 16?
Answer: Alexander the Great

Why was Alexander called "The Great"?
Answer: He was able to conquer the world



What kind of construction was the Parthenon?
Answer: Doric style

Where is the Parthenon located?
Answer: On the Acropolis

Who built the Parthenon?
Answer: Pericles  


What were the 5 categories of study?
Answer: Logic, Physical works, Psychological works, Philosophical works, and natural history 

Who were some of the great philosophers?
Answer: Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates

Who was one of the most powerful thinkers in history?
Answer: Socrates

What was the method of question-and-answer called?
Answer: The Socratic Method


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