Friday, April 8, 2011


  Today in class Sam, Alana, Brad, and I presented our presentations. Sam did her project on Greek theater with a power point, and Alana did Greek poets with a scrapbook. Brad's project was an essay about Greek architecture, and I created a power point on Pericles and the Golden Age. 


Where were the 2 theaters located?
Answer: Delphi and Dionysus

Who was the son of Zeus and god of fertility and wine?
Answer: Dionysus 

What were the 3 types of drama?
Answer:  Comedy, Tragedy, and Satyr

Which play was considered the "font of all literature"?
Answer: Comedy 



What did people do if they couldn't read or write?
Answer: They memorized poems by word of mouth

T or F Did some poets make up stories and songs on the spot? 
Answer: True

Who was one of the greatest female poets of anicent Greece?
Answer: Zapo

How many volumes of work did Zapo have?
Answer: 9



What was the earliest and plainest Greek architectural style?
Answer: Doric 

What is the most decorative and modern style?
Answer: Corinthian

What kind of architecture had the most influence on Greek architecture?
Answer: Roman 

What is the symbol of ancient Greece?
Answer: The Parthenon


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