Wednesday, May 11, 2011


  Today in class we started watching a video about the Roman empire. We didn't get to finish it yet, but we will probably finish it tomorrow. We had to write down our notes on the movie on a piece of paper instead of typing it on the computer.

  By the year 14, Spain, Africa, Syria, and Greece were controlled by Rome. Tiberius took over after Augustus passed away. Tiberius was Augustus' step-son, however he was not Augustus' first choice to inherit the thrown. Augustus was in his 50's when he began his reign.

  Germanicus was sent by to settle down the soldiers in the legion. His son was named Coligula (which meant Bootsy) and he was favored by all of the soldiers. 5 years later, Germanicus died. He was believed to be poisoned as an order from the emperor.

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