Wednesday, May 25, 2011


(B.) Diocletian and (C.) Constantine were Rome's greatest emperors because they saved it by helping it survive for another 200 years.

(D.) Eastern Empire- the Greek-speaking half of Rome with the most great cities and trade centers and they were wealthier as well.

(E.) Western Empire- the Latin-speaking half of Rome that was not nearly as successful as the eastern empire.

(G.) Edict of Milan- the statement made by Constantine that granted freedom of religion to Christians.

(H.) Constantinople- the name of the city of Constantine.

(J.) Huns- a Germanic tribe that advanced against Rome in 452 A.D.

(M.) Attila- the leader of the Huns who made them more dangerous than ever.

(N.) Leo I- the first truly powerful Pope of Rome.

1. The economic problems that the empire faced in the 3rd century were disrupted trade, drained gold and silver, and meager harvests.

2. By the 3rd century, Rome's army had changed since the days of the republic by the soldiers fighting strictly for money and not patriotism.

3. (a.) The important religious change that Constantine brought about in the empire was that he accepted Christianity. (b.) The political change he brought was that he founded a new capital.

4. (a.) Germanic tribes invaded the empire in the 400s because it was still widely regarded as the center of civilization.
    (b.) The empire was unable to drive the invaders out because a traitor opened up the gates of Rome.

5. (a.) Three reasons why Diocletian should be considered a successful emperor are he improved administration by dividing the empire into the Greek-speaking east and the Latin-speaking west, he used price and and wage controls to beat inflation, and he secured the boundaries of the empire.
(b.) However, he might be considered a failure because his plans for the succession failed, wages for new troops added to the already crushing load of taxes, and price controls failed.

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