Thursday, May 5, 2011


Today in class everybody presented their PowerPoint slides about the Rome rap. We took notes since we will be having a test tomorrow on everything we have been learning about ancient Rome.

  The Romans took most of their writing from the Etruscans, since they first had a written language. The Latins had a huge influence on the world. They were the dominant and civilized people on this area of the Tiber River. The people got angry and drove Tarquin out of Rome because he was starting to act like a dictator (last king they ever had). After that they came up with the republican government.

  The city of Rome was built on a drained-out swamp. Patricians dominated Roman cities. Democracy is very big on equality and freedom. The consuls had to agree on everything to make decisions. Aristocracy people were high class and very rich. monarchy had a single ruler; usually passed down the power. 

  Around 6,000 soldiers made up legions. Carthage is located in Africa. Julius Caesar played a critical role in the change of Rome from a republic to an empire. He was appointed dictator for 10 years in 47 B.C. The First Triumvirate alliance was made in 60 B.C. He entered the alliance with Crassus and Pompey which was to dominate Roman politics for several years. The Rubicon River is a shallow river in Northeast Italy. 

  When Julius Caesar crossed that river it was considered an act of war. Caesar was proclaimed "dictator in perpetuity". He was assassinated by a group of senators; they hoped to restore the constitutional government of the Republic. That didn't only not work, but it resulted in a series of civil wars. Caesar was stabbed on the Ides of March (holiday of the month) on March 15th in 44 B.C. in the Theater of Pompey. The senators were afraid he was getting too powerful. 

  The alliance between Antony, Octavian, and Lepidus was called the 2nd triumvirate. Octavius was related to Caesar. The Roman road system was more than 400,000 km of roads and built like walls. Those roads were built so that the army and goods could be transported easier. Circus Maximus is an ancient Roman chariot racing stadium. 

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