Friday, May 13, 2011


  Tiberius was Augustus' step-son and he took over after Augustus died. He craved power and people feared him. He was one of Rome's greatest generals and laid he foundation for the northern frontier. People said that he was a very depressed and negative person. Tiberius' adopted grandson then took over.

  Caligula was the son of Germanicus. Germanicus died from what what was believed to be poison sent from the emperor. When he was little, he was loved by all of the soldiers in the army. His real name was Gaius, but his nickname was Caligula which means "little soldier's boot" in Roman. Once he started his reign as emperor, he started to go crazy and was soon disliked by many people.  He was murdered by his closest allies.

  Claudious was next in line to be emperor after Coligula's murder. Since infancy, he was disfigured, and the center of all jokes. Once he became emperor, he made very good changes to Rome and was quickly loved by all of the people. His wife had multiple affairs with servants, and as much as it hurt him Cladious ordered for her to be murdered.

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