Thursday, February 17, 2011


  Today in class we presented our Powerpoint presentations since Mr. Schick was back. He began by telling all of us the reason why he's been absent; a sad story about his daughter Martha. She's doing better now but their whole family has really gone through so much for the past 2 weeks. So anyway, we used the first half of class to finish our projects and then the groups started to present. My group will probably go tomorrow.

  About 4 to 6 thousand years ago all the people of ancient Egypt realized what people could do specialized work in. They had no power tools so they had to do all the work by hand. Pyramids were referred to as the "house of eternity". King Tut was buried inside the pyramids; he was a young ruler who reigned for nine years. 

  Hieroglyphics was the formal writing system by ancient Egypt. It pretty much very the first writing system. They used animals, objects, and people instead of actual letters. The people who wrote them were called scribes, and they were viewed high in society. Before they were used to writing on pyramids, they used them for recording something like a census. Hieroglyphics were mostly written on papyrus paper and there was over 2,000 different symbols. 

  The Nile longest river in the world, and the main river of Egypt. It was mainly used for drinking water and to produce extremely fertile soil. It also contributed to spring floods and provided irrigation, even in ancient times.  
The Egyptian people were smart enough to know how this river behaved with all the floods and such to become successful. 

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