Wednesday, February 9, 2011


  Today we review material that will be on our test tomorrow, Thursday 10, 2011. Mr. Schick told us that the test would be composed of multiple choice, short answers, and one essay. The essay only will be done our computers, the rest on a scantron sheet. It will be about 20/25 questions long. We also went over notes that are important for us to study tonight.

  Sago doesn't last very long, doesn't have a lot of more protein, and has no flavor. Sago trees have 70 pounds of sago in them and it grows in a swamp in Papua New Guinea. A domestic-able animal must be able to nicely interact with people, aware of it's surroundings, have available for their meat and milk, and it has to reproduce often. Animals such as horses and llamas are a part of social hierarchy which means they follow what the others members of their pack is doing. A plant good for civilization has to be nutritious, easy to prepare, and it has to be stored for awhile. When a civilization has a surplus, not everybody has to be worried about getting food, so they can do specialized work (plaster makers who made plaster, weavers who made clothes). Then the population can go up because people are now together more and they have more free time.

  People didn't say in the fertile crescent because it became very arid and dry, so they moved east and west following the lines of latitude. They over-farmed it and tapped out the soil. They still had the same animals, seasons, and time of day where they moved. Draa' is the name of the very first community-oldest actual place on earth where people built homes. Gerard Diamond was a bird watcher, a cultural anthropologist, best selling author of the book Guns, Germs, and Steel. The definition of cargo is the things a person owns. 1300 years ago, most people were hunting and gathering. Modern day Papua New Guinea is now a well civilized country because they have improved their transportation and trade. They are selling wood and palm oil, gold, silver, and fish. 

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