Thursday, February 10, 2011

Test Essay

  1,300 years ago the only jobs people had were being hunters and gatherers. All they worried about was were their next meal would come from, and how they would get it. Every day was focused on getting food. The people of Papua New Guinea lived like this for a very long time.

  Once a country was more civilized, (Papua New Guinea and Australia did not experience this) they developed a surplus; more than they needed on a daily basis. Having a surplus meant that people could do other things with their lives than only concentrating on food every second of every day. They had enough food through their domestic-able crops and animals that they could be comfortable. They used their animals for meat, milk, and to fertilize the fields. They used their crops such as wheat and barley for nutrition, and to feed the animals. The surplus also provided the people with the ability to start doing specialized work.

  These specialized jobs included plaster-makers (who made plaster from limestone), weavers (who made clothes from the animal's skins), and blacksmiths (who invented steel from the creation of fire). The population then went up during this time because people had more free time and they were able to interact with other people more. This specialized work led to the invention of new technologies, which was a big step in it's civilization. Since the people did have more free time, they were able to use their brains, think of new ideas, and put them into action. This way of thinking eventually led the United States and many other places in world to be where they are today.


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