Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hosni Mubarak

  He is the president of Egypt that has been voted out of office by the people. He unfairly always won the "elections" that he was elected in. He was been their leader since 1981. He wound up being hated because of pretty much how the elections ran. Nobody could run against the president and the people started to think that their votes didn't even count. In September 2005, there was a multiple candidate election, although Hosni was still controlling all of it. There was no way for anybody to beat him out. Everybody just did what he told them to say; it was wrong to speak against the leader. Technology brought new ideas to the people, as in different opinions of the leader. There were thousands of illegal votes sent in. People had to pay to vote. Due to all of this trouble, the people wanted a new election. Hosni was of course elected because there was no re-election. People could get sent to jail for speaking out against the government without a trial. The police can abuse you with no charge. If you belong to the wrong group you could lose funding or your job. The police are allowed to violate your privacy. He said that he will not run again this year in September 2011, but the people wanted him out immediately. Finally, he resigned, and there were cheers throughout the streets of Cairo.  

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